Silver Award

Tran Nguyen

Star Collectors

Bubblegum Girl

Lapis Lovers

Learn Squared

Six Crimson Cranes

You Must Not Miss


used art supplies or application soft

Acrylic and colored pencil on watercolor paper.

Artist comments

The paintings are made traditionally with acrylic and colored pencil on paper.
For more information, please visit



Tran’s work are absolutely gorgeous!
Her work is a fantastic presentation of combining both strikingly realistic painting skills and rich conceptual visual storytelling.
The dreaming, soothing, mysterious world she create is so epic.

Hannah Li

Realistic works full of drama and sense of form.

Ailun Jiang

Beautifully painted artworks.
I love how birds and human are interacting and it captures the expression very well.
Colors and compositions are amazing. She got good skills.

Belle Lee

Interesting atmosphere and characters.

Fatinha Ramos




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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

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