Silver Award

Yiran Jia

Blood Meridian1

Blood Meridian2

Blood Meridian3


used art supplies or application soft


Artist comments

This series illustration is based on Cormac McCarthy's classic Blood Meridian.
I finished reading the book during last summer and I was blown away by the violence aesthetic of the story.
So I decided to make several interior illustration for the book as my self promotion works.



I love the confidence that Yiran show in her work.
She has a solid skill in dealing with concepts and composition.
I especially appreciate her bold choice of color, and the way that she managed line works with an overall scratching board/comic feels-her execution is excellent.

Hannah Li

Yiran is a master of hatching.
Her illustrations are full of strong dramatic immersion.
She tried to break through the routine of composition, especially the handling of the edges.

Ailun Jiang

All are beautifully illustrated.
Crosshatching pen skills are perfect and it’s very well excused Character’s expressions are amazing.
Every elements here are well illustrated and contrasts are very strong.
Contrast and lighting they are working really well together.

Belle Lee

Love the details and composition.
Very well done drawings!

Fatinha Ramos




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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

Every art and illustration in this site must not be reprinted without permission by JIA.