Silver Award

Xueyi Wang

The Princess Mayblossom 01

The Princess Mayblossom 02

The Princess Mayblossom 03

The Princess Mayblossom 04

The Princess Mayblossom 05

used art supplies or application soft

Watercolor, gouache and colorpencil.

Artist comments

These are the illustrations I made for an ancient fairy tale ‘The Princess Mayblossom’



Xueyi’s work has a Medieval art vibe which is joyful to look at.
Impressive details are delicately executed in her work.

Hannah Li

Illustration is a visual presentation of stories and thoughts.
In other words, they are narrative images.
Illustrations can indirectly convey informations that is difficult to express in words, and can even tell stories independently in place of words.
This is the unique fascination of illustration.
For a long time, painting has played an important role in recording events, stories, myths and allegories.
There are many excellent fairy tales in Europe, the French “Princess Mayblossom” is one of them.
The philosophy and religious enlightenment in this story show us the great human wisdom.
Xueyi used colored pencils and watercolors as basic tools to deal with every detail methodically in a delicate and relaxed style.
At the same time, she borrowed the cavalier perspective of medieval tempera paintings to reproduce the story in illustrations.
This spirit of exploration that integrates content and fitting technique together is extremely precious.

Ailun Jiang

Overall storytelling is very good.
Expression of each characters are also very good.
Color is vividly well used and costumes art is beautiful.
Artist has a good skills.

Belle Lee

Nice color combination and interesting composition.

Fatinha Ramos

‘The Princess Mayblossom’というおとぎ話に沿って描かれたようだ。



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