Silver Award


HCity Explorer

Used art supplies or application soft

Ink, Pen, Photoshop

Artist comments

With cars zoom past blasting music, all types of people in their candy-colored clothes going on about their days, this work will transport viewers to the hectic street of a big city, evoke feelings of togetherness and curiosity, and make them feel that everyone has a beautiful landscape that exists in each one of our heart, and that is what make us unique and loved for just being who we are.



The very detailed composition is wonderful.
It's a pleasure to get lost in the illustration for long time.
I like the light and colorful atmosphere and the well balance composition.

Sigal Caspin Segal

It is a playful painting, excelling in color, composition, and modeling abilities, brimming with childlike charm.

Yidong Cai

I love the variety of characters, shapes, colors and rhythms in this work, it is truly a beautiful portrait of the vitality of a city.
The art process gives the artist the chance to overcome the constraints of his preferred medium but also gives the chance to play around with his very own and beautiful human constraints.
AI deprived us from this. Stay strong.

Jose Sanchez

The artwork didn't miss any part of people's daily life, and expressed it lovely and beautifully.
In particular, it is impressive that people's daily lives are graphically illustrated like an arrangement like a map.
If the viewers look closely at the artwork, each of the elements are beautifully expressed like the scenery we see in everyday life, such as cute mice on the street, lovers, and families.

Eunbi Kang

The work expresses diversity, where everyone coexists as they are, with a joyful touch that makes it fun to look at.
Although many colors are used, the illustration as a whole has a gentle impression, and the good taste of the artist shines through.

Mayuko Utanishi


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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

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