Silver Award


Unwavering belief

Reset memories


Whispering in the brain

Digital seasoning

used art supplies or application soft


Artist comments

《People's emotions don't change, but the way they express themselves changes, living between disassembly and assembly》
When I was working on Pure Cyber, I often imagined human life in the future.
In the end, I came to the conclusion that no matter how the times change, human beings must have various lusts.
In the world of punk, even human lust is "dataified" and becomes visible to the naked eye.
And people's emotions are easily interfered with by the surroundings and become tattered, and they easily become emotionally unstable.
"Disassembling and assembling" is exactly the key to thinking of people in the future, and that is the origin of "Cyber Rhapsody".
I hope that the viewer will have an opportunity to think again about life in the future world.



The color choices are wonderful.
Strong dreamy composition.the arrangment of the elements in such way that the eye moves throughout the image.

Sigal Caspin Segal

It is imaginative and features vibrant colors, making it a distinctive work.

Yidong Cai

The concept of assembly and disassembly is so good and is appropriately expressed in the way in which the organic and the artificial shapes are related. I think that the graphic elements really convey very well the technological frenzy and how human beings try to keep up with this increasingly mechanized environment.
The digital painting technique is fantastic. The art process gives the artist the chance to overcome the constraints of his preferred medium but also gives the chance to play around with his very own and beautiful human constraints.
AI deprived us from this. Stay strong.

Jose Sanchez

It is impressive that the artist chose a fun and profound topic of cyber punk and human emotions/desires.
Even in the future, human beings' various desires and emotions will not change, but the setting that everything is datafied and visualized by the development of technology may actually happen now or in the near future.
This series of illustrations evokes awareness and great insight.

Eunbi Kang

The overwhelming drawing ability, use of color, and the way the light is captured are beautiful in this work.
The mechanical expression is also reminiscent of the future, and I felt that the theme was well expressed.
The theme itself is also interesting, and I feel that it has something in common with issues in today's Internet society, social networking, etc.

Mayuko Utanishi


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