Mengyun QIU


Incubation Behavior of Okinawa Rail

Roosting Behavior of Okinawa Rail

Walking Behavior of Okinawa Rail

used art supplies or application soft

watercolor, colored pencils

Artist's comments

The Yanbaru region in the northern part of Okinawa Island is home to a variety of rare and endemic species. One of its representative creatures, the Okinawa Rail, was discovered in 1981 and is classified as an endangered species IA. I created this series of works because I thought it was worth sharing its ecology and interesting features with as many people as possible. Referring to many research papers, I selected and expressed the characteristic behaviors of the Okinawa rail.



Mengyun has an amazing eye for detail. Mengyun's illustrations have captivating compositions and vivid colors that really pop. Mengyun seamlessly blends everything together with the fantastic rendering skills. The illustrations also shows Mengyun is great at capturing natural scenes and making them look full of life, with all the little details and textures. The works are dynamic and high-quality.

Van Li

The artwork features exceptionally detailed hand-drawing and painting, capturing animal behavior with remarkable clarity. The depiction of the forest mood is equally vivid and immersive.

Haimeng Cao

It is Illustration that I can keep on looking at and still find interesting details. This seires beautifully depict Okinawa Rail and Okinawa Island. The rendering of the Okinawa Rail's behaviors, such as incubation and walking, showcases not only Mengyun technical skill but also her deep respect for and understanding of the subject matter. This series really balances artistic expression and scientific accuracy. Well done!

Rita Yuwei Li

The artist has an exquisite skill of lights and shadows, especially in the leaves, I feel that he commits to his talent, showing us subtleties in near and far leaves, forming detailed landscapes and distant airs to breathe that nature. With that same thoroughness, he manages to comb the fur in an elegant way, in careful compositions, which generate sensations of comfort about these birds, showing facets of their lives with great beauty and shelter, achieving an aesthetic power that works very well for contemplation and appreciation of animals that must be cared for, specially because of their "endangered species" status. Beautiful way to bring awareness, achieving the message with a spectacular jungle tenderness. The light falling on the leaves is impressive, Mengyun not only expresses talent, but also the deep and dedicated connection with the beauty of nature.

Lucas León

The artist pays great attention to the use of colors, creating a harmonious and unified color palette. Upon closer look at the artwork, besides the main subjects of the birds, we can discover a lot of details meticulously designed by the author, such as the lizards, insects, fruits on the tree, holes in the leaves, etc. Great realistic work.



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