作家略歴Hong Kong Baptist University 作画方法、画材などDigital art, acrylic and oil painting 自己PRFourTin Yeung (b.2000, Hong Kong) focuses on illustration and story writing. 展示会に出品歴
受賞歴FourTin Yeung graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts in 2023 and received the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) Award for being one of the top 3 outstanding students. 今までにした主なイラスト関係の仕事FourTin Yeung has made a picture book called Dandelion Heart Seed. Eight children in the story are wearing a mask, representing different sufferings of life. She illustrated how they get to each other with colourful imagination, grouped as Tsin Tsin Toyland Series. She later explore the world view a ウエブサイトhttps://fourtin.wixsite.com/oldbutgold #イラスト #イラストレーター #ギャラリー #可愛い(Cute) #暖かい(Warm) #カラフル(Colorful) #人物(Person) #絵本(Picture book) #アクリル画(Acrylic painting) #鉛筆画(Pencil drawing) イラストレーターに直接発注する際には「日本イラストレーター協会のサイトで見た」と伝えて下さい。 |
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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year
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