作家略歴Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, MA 作画方法、画材などThe artwork is created mainly by graphite pencil, or drawn digitally on ProCreate or realized in the form ofwoodcut prints. 自己PRHer dual role as printmaker and illustrator brings a unique personality to her work, which is both a remembrance of the past and a testament to its existence. Inspiration comes from exploring the relationship between humans and animals as well as insights and perceptions from the artist's own life e 展示会に出品歴JIA Illustration Award, Sliver Award(JPN) 受賞歴Her artwok gained recognition in several international competition such as Sliver Award in JIA Illustration Award, Gold Award in 3X3 International Illustration Show, Award of Excellence for the Communication Arts Competition, Merit Award in iJungle Illustration Awards, Merit Award in Hiii Illustrati 今までにした主なイラスト関係の仕事Cara Amanda ウエブサイト#イラスト #イラストレーター #ギャラリー# 暖かい(Warm) #女性向け(For women) #風(Scenery) イラストレーターに直接発注する際には「日本イラストレーター協会のサイトで見た」と伝えて下さい。 |
| ホーム | 仕事依頼 | ギャラリー | 入会案内 | 公募展 | 年度賞 | 作品集 | 活動内容 | メールマガジン | 会員リスト| 組織概要 | リンク集 |
Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year
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