作家略歴Wenqing Gu is an illustrator who graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art and is currently based in California, USA. 作画方法、画材などProcreate 自己PRWenqing’s art is a celebration of cultural diversity, drawing on her experiences in China and the United States to explore universal human emotions. 展示会に出品歴Asia North 2023 受賞歴Bronze Award, JIA Illustration Award 2024 今までにした主なイラスト関係の仕事2D animation/ children's book/posters/character design ウエブサイト#可愛い(Cute) #爽やか(Refreshing) #明るい(Bright) #暖かい(Warm) #カラフル(Colorful) #子供向け(For children) #女性向け(For women) #動物(Animal) #人物(Person) #絵本(Picture book) イラストレーターに直接発注する際には「日本イラストレーター協会のサイトで見た」と伝えて下さい。 |
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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year
Every art and illustration in this site must not be reprinted without permission by JIA.