

Tian Yu

Jieli Publishing House

Picture Book

I Did Not Defeat My Son with 32 Nightmare Goblins is a best-selling humorous picture book. The little boy kept accumulating courage, from overcoming nightmares to helping his father, and he broke through step by step. Now he has become friends with the little nightmare goblins who called him "Dad". Not only that, but also under the magic blessing of the goblins, he overcame the shadow of riding a bicycle, successfully learned to ride a bicycle, and obtained the sign of "growing up". The boy galloped on his bicycle and felt the joy of overcoming his fear. For the first time, he no longer wanted to defeat and drive away the sandman, but hoped that this little goblins who helped him "grow up" would stay forever. The warmth of friendship and the courage to overcome difficulties are gathered in such an imaginative humorous story. The picture is smooth, the details are rich, the characters are interesting and vivid, very infectious and dramatic, and close to the real life experience of children, so that children can understand the beauty of friendship and the joy of growth while laughing.