Silver Award

Max Haering

Polar Bear

Colosseum feat. Moby Dick

In Memory of Hartmut Rueger (Kopf aus dem Sinai)

used art supplies or application soft

Handzeichnung, Tusche, Edding Digital überarbeitet

Artist comments

 zu 1.: "Unten, in der anderen Welt der Kindheit und der Träume, wo Eisbären nicht mehr tapsen und töten,(...) unter Wasser schwimmend, große weiße Meeresgeschöpfe werden, anmutig wie Delfine." aus "Gegen den Tag", Roman von Thomas Pynchon zu 2.: "Doch plötzlich begann die See ringsum langsam in breiten Kreisen zu schwellen, wallte höher und höher, als stiege ein versunkener Eisberg ans Licht (...) Da schoss der weiße Riesenleib schräg aus dem Wasser (...) schwebte für einen Atemzug in der regenbogenfarbigen Luft und klatschte dann wieder in die See." Aus "Moby Dick", Roman von Hermann Melville zu 3.: Inspiriert von Hartmut Rueger's Zeichnung "Kopf aus dem Sinai" (1987)



Beautiful compositions that draw you in.
The bear literally addresses the viewer, you feel addressed and almost feel guilty that you cannot help him.
The technique is stunning, the hatches are extremely well done and bring light and shadow to life.
I could even lose myself just looking at the hatching.


I think it's a work that stands out even if it is used on the entire surface of the paper or if you put letters on it.
Digital illustrations are difficult to make the most of their individuality, but the work gives a glimpse of the artist's talent.

Amire Alaei

Astonishing series of works!
Compositions and how they are fulfilled look great!
The visual language of these illustrations is delicate and distinctive.
Greyscale looks very well and all the textures show its benefits in every corner of compositions.
These illustrations are the best proof of how effective a visual language could be.
Many thanks for this professional project!
And congrats!


I enjoy Max's attention to details. Their meticulousness in how they handle their tools to crosshatch the tonal shift in their work is mesmerizing.

Tran Nguyen




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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

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