


Dali WU

Biyi Games

Graphic novel book

It was originally a board game designed based on the well-known and evocative legend of the inseparable biyi in China, so this graphic novel book of the same universe derived from the background of the game.
It tells the story of the Emperor Li Longji and Concubine Yang, who transformed into a pair of souls and traveled through ancient times, the “biyi bird” (比翼鸟 biyi niao, birds flying wing to wing) is a one-eyed, one-winged mythical creature in which each entity is half of a bird, such that only when a male and female pair up and fly together, can they become a whole bird.
It later become a metaphor for a loving couple.
Biyi guiding villagers to fly over the gorges of a remote village in Yunnan to find the long-lost oasis of modern people.